I dreamed a golden dragon last night .

In the dream 

I was stand at the front of a hotel's garden with my partner.


And then we saw a long  beautiful golden narrow strip . 


There were lots of scales on it and we couldn't see where its end .


And the scales on it could change color to silver!  It was very shining~


So I was curious and walked in the garden 

My partner waited for me outside.


I followed the shining line and found out it was thicker and thiker.


And then I thought it was a snake's tail.


Finally I found it was from a person who was back to me and sat in front of a desk and many trees around him .


He saw me and I did, too .


I was scared by his face !


His face is a scary Chinese dragon in golden


I wanted to run  back to exit but he followed up to me and said "wait" to me .


He became a real giant dragon and was beautiful shining in golden!


I didn't know why but I stopped.


He said there is something need my help 


So I walk in and sat in front of the table dealing with some detail stuff which I can't remember now!


When I finished it he invited us to his house just up from the garden!


when he became a man again,he looked like 45years old 


We sang and drank at his place for a while 


the second dream was that i dont know why i in the 1980 centry with about twenty people

when we tried to figure out a way to go back to 2014

a girl suddently jumped up to thirth floor and she threw something into the house i didnt know what was she doing 


after that i saw some people studing at a machine 

they said this machin can connect to the fiuture and find some way to go back...



















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